Help! I Can’t Sleep!

As we are getting to December many of us are feeling the stress, be it from school or work. Despite being tired through busy schedules and family life, are you finding that no amount of tiredness is helping you to sleep well? Here will be your sleeping bible. The tips to help you finally catch up on hours of missed sleep.

The simplest of tips for a good night’s sleep is to keep to a schedule. Set a regular bed time and get your body used to having to be in bed at that time, make sure it is the same time every day. If you do want to change the time, increase or decrease it by 15 minutes. If you change your rhythm too drastically it may throw your whole body clock out of sync again. Wake up at the same time as well; this will set your body into the rhythm of getting the same amount of sleep every night.

Another self-explanatory tip for a good night’s sleep is eating and exercising correctly. Don’t eat a big meal before bed; avoid alcohol before bed as although studies show that it helps you to fall asleep, it disturbs the quality of sleep. Quit smoking, nicotine is a stimulant which disturbs sleep. 

Keep your room at about 18 degrees Celsius, not too hot and not too cold. There are a range of activities that you can try to do to wind down. Read a book or magazine with a soft light (if the light is too bright it may wake you up even more), take a warm bath or even listen to soft music. Drop a few drops of Lavender oil onto your pillow as you inhale this it will relax your body and mind.

How Many Hours Do You Need?

Average sleep needed by age

  Age   Average Sleep Recommendations
 Newborn to 2 months old
12 -18  hours
3 months to 1 year old
14 - 15 hours 
 1 to 3 years old
12 - 14 hours 
 3 to 5 years old
11 - 13 hours 
 5 to 12 years old
10 -11 hours 
 12 to 18 years old
8.5 - 10 hours 
18 + years old
7.5 -9 hours 

Recipe to a good night's sleep

Take a hot bath, drink a glass of milk, read a book with a dim light, drop a few drops of lavender oil onto your pillow and let yourself drift of. If you wake up during the night take a few deep breaths and stay with the rhythm of your body. Don’t let yourself think, if you think during the night it will be a lot harder to drift off after.

Writer: Angela Hulbert

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Product Recommendations: 
Here are some products we recommend to to get a good nights sleep...

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